Xiropigado Village History

Xiropigado Chronology

The village of Xiropigado Kynouria province of Arcadia, is located in the northeastern part of the province and is the last part of it, after that begins the province Argos and generally the prefecture Argolida.It's spread on points difference the northeast side of Mount Zavitsa (height 976 m), startin from the "Lileika" to position "St George" and concluding throught mountain until the "Sotira" point.It is from Astros 10 km from the Argos 18 km from Tripoli 50 km.

Xiropigado got its name from a dry well, probably in the region '' Chania '', which had no water, either because they did not find water one who dug or because they happen (usually summer) dried up.The main geographical elements that shape the space in which was developed the village is from the land Zavitsa mountain and sea from the Argolic Gulf. This territorial sea and mountain combination creates a climate extremely healthy, suitable for summer holidays.The main features of Xiropigado sea is the purity of the water and the many species of fish

Rare natural attraction of the village is "Anavalos " (Εye of Lily) is gushing fresh water into the sea in Lileika position. There, 150 meters from the shore and 80 meters below sea level in spurts of abundant fresh water surface but which mixed with the sea water .

There are no written evidence for the presence of people in Xiropigado in ancient and medieval-byzantine times. But not excluded that lived some people those times in some parts of the village, as shown by some finds an "Xalasmata" "Klima", "Sotira," "Outpost Xiropigado" (in Lileika), "Outpost Xilopyrgou 'or' Paliopyrgos" (west of Alafitsas) and "the tower Voukolopyrgos" in Tsiouleika. It is certain that the coastal road of the village, going from Argolis to Astros (Thirea), Pausanias passed (mid 2nd c. AD) some scholars argue that passed mountainous road Zavitsa, from Potamia, Elafitsa, Tsorovo, Doliana, Astros .

The direct ancestors of today Xiropigado was from Vervena Village, started to hibernate in this region alone during the last years of Turkish rule, in the foothills of Zavitsa in neighborhoods and locations that mainly served the farming occupationsof the residents.Since the transition to Vervena during the summer season was difficult (done on foot and pack animals lasting an entire day), stopped slowly from the late 19th century as a summer residence was Zavitsa at neighborhoods, since there was the main source of the village water supply (Sotira). But after the opening of the motorway Astrous- Kiveri (1953) gradually began to gather and permanent residence of the residents on the main coastal settlement , which was completed during the decade of 1980. Along with the homes of local residents in recent years built holiday homes and foreigners for ownership or rent.

Xiropigado until 1950 belonged to Vervena community. From 1950 to 1998 was his own community. From 01/01/1999 annexed in Municipality of North Kynouria based in Astros, and was named Municipal District Xiropigadou.O number of inhabitants in the census (1981) was 170, while in the last (2001) 420. the occupations of the villagers was previously husbandry and agriculture (cereals and olives). Today these occupations have been limited and residents are more concerned with tourism business and technical professions.

Xipopigado Church until 1982 belonged to the Parish Vervena Metropolis of Mantineia and Kynouria, while from 1983 a separate parish with its own priest. The churches of the village are the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary(Vangelistra), Agia Marina (new church on the main settlement), Transformation of the Sotira (Sotira), Prophet Elias (on the top of Zavitsa), Saint Panteleimon, Saint Constantine.

Today Xiropigado is a beautiful resort with clean sea, mild vine, modern holiday homes, shops and ensuring seaside taverns,beach bars,and hotels.

Ακρογιάλι Ξηροπήγαδο Αρκαδίας

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