Astros Museum

Astros Museum

Located 10 km from Xiropigado taking the road towards the Astros will meet the Archaeological Museum, located in the city center and is housed in a listed building Karitsiotis School.

Inside the museum, there are many important exhibits, coming mainly from the villa of Herod Atticus (2nd AD. Century), which is located 8 km west of Astros and is almost next to the monastery of Loukous founded in 1117 AD.

There are also exhibits in the Museum courtyard (ornate couches, capitals, etc.), and many other, very large, which unfortunately are stacked in the basement of the museum due to lack of exhibition space.

Akrogiali Xiropigado - Astros Museum

Ακρογιάλι Ξηροπήγαδο Αρκαδίας

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